Sunday 17 August 2014

[Theatre] Shun-kin /『演劇』春琴

31 August 2013
“Shun-kin”---Martyrdom for a woman’s beauty in the dimness
Country: UK/Japan
Company: Complicite/Setagaya Public Theatre
Director: Simon Mcburney
Cast: Yoshi Oida, Eri Fukatsu, Keitoku Takata
Location I watched: Esplanade Theatre
It has been a long while since I last went to watch a play. After checking my diary just now, I realized that the last play I watched was “Sho-shun O’kabuki (January Kabuki)” at Osaka Shochiku-za Theatre back in January 2013. I was surprised; for 7 months, I had not watched any plays.

Anyway, this play, “Shun-kin” was co-produced by Setagaya Public Theatre (Japan) and Complicite (UK). Two famous works by Jun’ichiro Tanizaki, “Shun-kin Sho (A Portrait of Shun-kin)” and “In’ei Raisan (In Praise of Shadows)” was reconstructed as a new work on stage.

Here in Singapore as part of their world tour, the performance at Esplanade Theatre was well received. On the day that I went to watch, many people in the audience gave it a standing ovation. I also thought that it was quite a good play which gave the audience a very rich experience on theatrical arts.

The play opens with one of the actors, Yoshi Oida greeting the audience in English and sharing the memories of ‘his’ father’s death anniversary. As the day came every year, his relatives attending it became less and less, till finally he was the only person standing in front of Sotoba (a wooden grave tablet). On the gloomy stage behind him, the other actors were standing in a row. Light slowly glowed from their back and flowed over there gradually.

In this opening scene, there was the pleasure to watch theatrical arts or the expectation to the pleasure to watch theatrical arts. The pleasure is with reality belonging to the stage and the physicality of the actors, but from watching something different which transcended reality of our daily life. I was excited about this scene.

Shun-kin” works on three interconnected layers. On the surface, it is a present day story about a middle-aged actress, played by Ryoko Tateishi, who is doing a narration for a radio play, “A Portrait of Shun-kin” by Jun’ichiro Tanizaki in an old studio in Kyoto. It is also about Tanizaki himself, the protagonist of “A Portrait of Shun-kin”, visiting “Shun-kin’s grave” and writing his story in about the year 1933. Lastly, it is the story of Shun-kin, a shamisen (a Japanese three stringed instrument) master, and her faithful servant, Sasuke from the end of Edo to the Meiji era (around the second half of the 19th century). We see that the bizarre love affair between Shun-kin and Sasuke is developing into ultimately aesthetic love on stage. On the other hand, Tanizaki---a writer was living during Showa Modern (the period of modernism around 1930s in Japan)---gives their love story some criticism and comments by words from the modernism. In addition, we also see the voice actress and her (somewhat) immoral love affair with a younger man, while narrating Shun-kin’s story for the radio play. Although the voice actress’s love story may be immoral, it seems to be ordinary. For that reason, it is a secular shadowgraph against the love affair between Shun-kin and Sasuke. This present part is also a kind of interlude and the middle-aged voice actress also has a role as comedy relief.

We, however, have another story layer with the older Sasuke, played by Yoshi Oida, who is passing his remaining years after Shun-kin’s death. He sometimes appears on the stage and repeatedly talks how beautiful Shun-kin’s body (feet, most of all) was. The story of Shun-kin and Sasuke repeats itself again and again into a world of itself, a fake biography by “me”, a literary work by Jun’ichiro Tanizaki and Sasuke’s memory.

In response to this complex dramatic composition, the play uses various theatrical techniques. On the dim stage, we could hear a live shamisen performance or an announcement on the platform of a train station. And we could see quotes from Tanizaki’s original text and a photograph of Shun-kin---it is introduced as only one copy of her portrait---projected on the back of the stage. The role of Sasuke was played by three actors in relay from youth to old age. On the other hand, the role of Shun-kin in her girlhood and as a young Shamisen master was acted by a puppet. Then in a scene when Shun-kin was physically beating Sasuke out of jealousy for a geisha girl, one of her pupils, the role of Shun-kin was taken over naturally by Eri Fukatsu, who had been speaking her lines and working the puppet.

Although various theatrical techniques were introduced, the stage set and properties were limited. Rather than it, the play concentrated on the actors’ physical expression and made good use of their bodies with high standards. For instance, a line shaped by actors’ arms became the branch of a pine tree stretching from Shun-kin’s grave to Sasuke’s one. And, the scene when Sasuke is beaten by Shun-kin day after day is the most impressive in all of the physical expressions. Sasuke was beaten by Shun-kin and he fell down. From the same position as he was, another Sasuke got up, and knocked down again, and…that movement was repeated endlessly. While the meaning of that movement was quite cruel in common sense, the repeated cycle of movement became like a dance; smooth and beautiful. The “abnormal” relation between Shun-kin and Sasuke, its connection with pain and pleasure both physically and mentally was expressed in a quite sophisticated way.

When the voice actress tried to explain the story of Shun-kin to her lover on the phone, she said it was a story about a sadistic lady. Her explanation might have one from a female’s point of view. But since this play was narrated more from the perspective of Sasuke, it is more accurate to say that this was a story about a masochistic man. Although Sasuke was played by three actors, Songha, Keitoku Takada and Yoshi Oida, Shun-kin was acted by a puppet until Eri Fukatsu took over. This may mean that Sasuke’s vision of Shun-kin’s face was that of Fukatsu, which he saw last before he became blind and the image was fixed indelibly in his mind. Or rather than it, this may mean that Shun-kin was the girl of Sasuke’s dreams eternally. His dream was completed by Shun-kin with the face of Fukatsu.

Sasuke hoped that he was dominated by Shun-kin’s beauty. He became her servant throughout his entire life (even after she had his children). When Sun-kin was burned and disfigured, Sasuke pierced his eyes with a needle to blind himself. That was the result of his consideration for her mind in which she would never want him to see her face. In another weird and beautiful scene, the now blind Sasuke, who was always waiting apart slightly from her, sits down next to the bandaged Shun-kin for the first time, like a married couple. Even if they could not, or would not like to become a couple, for that moment, Shun-kin accepted Sasuke, an ardent devotee for the tyrant of beauty, as an equal, perhaps out of consideration of his passion. Now they could both live forever as the beautiful Shun-kin and the faithful Sasuke. It is a kind of a dream world. And such a dream world must be different from this bright present world under the sun or electric lights. It might be like phantasm floating in the darkness.

If the staging of the play had been performed straight without the crisscrossing time periods or with the elaborate stage set and properties, the play would still have been interesting. But it could have been just an interest for a story about sadomasochism relationship, abnormal intercourse or romantic sacrifice of love. This performance, however, was more than that. That pathetic and weird atmosphere contrasting sharply with the common and comical scenes of the present, combined with the actors’ stylish movement in the simple and rather abstract stage set increased the universality of the theme. In short, the complex narrative style, the various theatrical techniques and the acting with high physicality pushed this Edo-Meiji era story up to a different dimension.

It is a story about passion to make ordinary people great. Sasuke was an unknown servant. He passed away as an ordinary shamisen master with nobody’s attention. He, however, had been getting masochistic pleasure by serving beautiful Shun-kin, and finally obtained passion to dedicate all of his life to her beauty. He was able to keep the sublime passion throughout the entire of his life. It can be called a religious passion. And, the passion changed him and the object of his admiration, Shun-kin, from common townspeople in the 19th century. That turned them into something great. I think the audience was moved not only by Sasuke’s devoted love, but also their greatness itself.

Back in Japan a long time ago, I have watched “The Street of Crocodiles” by Complicite. I remember that I felt a headache and was exhausted by the hysterical atmosphere; that might have been one of their intentions, I think. Probably my physical condition was not well at that time. Now looking back, I have forgotten everything else about the play except that headache and exhaustion. This time, I think I could watch their “Shun-kin” relaxed. By the way, as the show ended, after the curtain call, I spotted a young Caucasian lady who was still crying for being so moved---:) (11 Sep. 2013)

見た場所:Esplanade Theatre 



 海外ツアーの一環としてシンガポールに来たわけだが、Esplanade Theatreでの上演は非常に好意的に迎えられ、私が見に行った日も、カーテン・コールでスタンディング・オベーションをする多くの観客がいた。一言で言ってしまうのなら、非常に豊かな演劇体験をさせてくれる作品で、とてもよかったと思う。 











 私ははるか以前に日本で、コンプリシテの「The Street of Crocodiles」を見たのだが、その時はそのヒステリックな雰囲気(それは作り手の意図したところと思われるが)に、頭がキーンとして、正直ぐったりした覚えがある。体調があまりよくなかったのだろう。昔のことなので、それ以外のことは忘れてしまった。今回は、その時よりもくつろいだ気持ちで見ていたと思う。カーテン・コール後も、感動して泣いている白人のお姉さんとかいたなー:)2013911日)

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