Thursday, 28 August 2014

[Film] her /『映画』her/世界でひとつの彼女

5 February 2014
“her”---A “truth” of romance with OS
Release Year: 2013
Country: USA
Director: Spike Jonze
Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Scarlett Johansson, Amy Adams
Location I watched: Golden Village Marina

If Scarlett Johansson were always with me… This film has made the dream of the guys all over the world come true. It took place on (maybe) Los Angeles in the near future. The protagonist, Theodore played by Joaquin Phoenix, who had recently separated from his wife. He purchased the newest operation system (OS) with Artificial Intelligence to kill time and comfort himself. The operation system introduced herself as “Samantha” and started speaking to him with a female voice. Samantha filled the gap in his heart, and soon he fell in love with her.

The voice of the OS “Samantha” was acted by Scarlett Johansson. It is said that the film was shot with the voice of Samantha Morton at first. At the post-production editing stage, I am not sure, whether it was the director, Spike Jonze or another person, but anyway, they became unsatisfied with Samantha Morton’s voice. It was decided that, for Scarlett Johansson to take over. Her voice ---sexy, husky and slightly flirty--- completely knocked out Theodore. Her voice does not sound like a computer and is opposite to what we usually image as a computer voice (cool, calm and heartless). That is the important point for Theodore to become charmed by “her”.

The image of the near future in “her” is interesting. It looks as if there is no significant difference from the present, but technology is making further advances. People do not use a keyboard any more. They speak to a PC or a smart phone, and can print out the contents or send it as e-mail. A smart phone being smaller than now, a PC and wireless earphones are connected seamlessly. So when they put on earphones, they can talk with the operation system, keeping their smart phone in their shirt pocket, and they check e-mails or reply to them. It is becoming a natural behavior. Computer games are moving holograms and the interactive communication with characters is available. On the other hand, since it probably requires more efforts, communication by paper is still surviving as something special and luxurious. Our protagonist, Theodore’s occupation is a specialist of writing letters. He writes beautiful sentences (by speaking to his PC), print it out (letters are printed out are the style of handwriting) and send it on behalf of clients, who want to send a letter to his/her partner on their anniversary, for example.

In the world of this film, the beauty of nature still remains. The city is streamlined and bright, reflecting the atmosphere of the future a bit. The shooting of the film was in Los Angeles and Shanghai, China. In a scene where Theodore takes an express train to go on holiday, I wondered if it was a Chinese High-speed Rail Train. The fashion of men’s clothing is funny. Men’s trousers are with high waisted. It was funny to see Theodore in this retro fashion standing in a super modern room. There is obviously and slightly different atmosphere from the present, and I thought it was interesting.

This is an interesting film, but the running time of 126 mins (more than 2 hours) was a little long for me. Why is “her” long? Because eventually this film is not about a romance with operation system, I think. It is a story about a man who looked at his pain caused by separation from his wife and accepted it in his life throughout the romantic relationship with operation system. It can be said that it is a story for a man recovering from his pain of divorce.

As “her” was made carefully, there is no scene where Theodore is buying the new operation system in a shop. It means that the audience cannot see the relation of master to servant through money, a relationship which actually exists between Theodore and Samantha. However, as Samantha is still not a human, she is a super girl friend that a human female is not to be able to achieve. The way Samantha comforts Theodore after a failed blind date or the way Samantha listens to him talking about the past relationship with his wife---it sounds perfect. Samantha’s only problem is that she does not have a body. To resolve that, she sends a young lady to have sex with Theodore in her place. It would have been the climax of the relationship between Theodore and Samantha, but the reconciliation is done very smoothly. If Samantha were a human (in that case, that would never happen, though), the situation would be more tangled. But normally romance does not involve only one person, and the real delight of romantic films are got at the end of conflict or imbroglios two persons go through, I think.

“Don’t talk to me. I am tired of work, now.” Or “You aren’t the only person in trouble.”…Samantha never talked back like that. She was always a good and cheerful partner. She healed broken-hearted Theodore. He understood that even the incident of a substitute girl came from Samantha’s consideration for him. However, his happy days lasted for only a short time. When Samantha introduced a male philosopher with elegant voice online to him, Theodore felt uneasy. Later when the connection to Samantha failed, he has got in a panic. At that time, for the first time, he felt that he was refused by Samantha. In the real world, in an actual relationship, however, this is a normal thing to happen.

In an early scene where Theodore has a conversation with Samantha first, the camera focuses on Theodore sitting in front of PC, and then it gradually backs away from him. It is a moment when his world of shutting himself is beginning to extend a little by talking friendly with another person. However, after that, when Theodore talks with Samantha, the camera mainly take him with close-up, especially in the first half of the film. It emphasizes that it is the world of only himself.

After all, although Theodore looked as if he was falling love with somebody, he was actually just delivering monologues. But Samantha healed his broken heart. Spending time with her, helping him capture the external world with fresh views (including human relations), Theodore could find the beauty of the world again. And since he realized the real meaning of the relationship with Samantha, Theodore could calmly accept the farewell with her. With that, he could finally say farewell to his ex-wife. In the last conversation with Samantha, Theodore is lying down on the bed, looking at the dust floating in the daylight. The dust turns into snow in the winter mountains where he has been with Samantha. And then, before the sunrise, Theodore goes up to the roof of his apartment with his friend, Amy (played by Amy Adams) and looks down at the city of Los Angeles. In another scene, this city of night looked like a digital circuit, but in this scene, the city shows the original figure as a city with the sunrise.

A man is, by the influence of something internal, seduced to the external world. As this film described the slightly ironical story with tenderness, it was a good film, I think. However, for a 2 hour show consisting of mainly a monologue of a man going through a divorce is a little too long for me.

By the way, I noticed Theodore’s Samantha OS was an expensive latest version operating system that freely left his computer after just a short use, leaving Theodore with a downgraded system. Surely in this case, Theodore should have called customer service first? (12 Feb. 2014)

見た場所:Golden Village Marina












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