Wednesday, 10 December 2014

[Theatre] Working on a Special Day

17 January 2014
Working on a Special Day”---Passing and glorious, just one day
Country: Mexico/USA
Company: Por Piedad Teatro/The Play Company
Director: Ana Graham, Antonio Vega
Cast: Ana Graham, Antonio Vega
Location I watched: Esplanade Theatre Studio

This was the last show I watched during the Fringe Festival this year. This play was originally produced by a Mexican theatre company, Por Piedad. They performed it in U.S. in collaboration with The Play Company. For New York in U.S., “Working on a Special Day ” was performed in Spanish, but here in Singapore, they performed an English version. The original is an Italian film, “Una Giornata Particolare (A Special Day)” directed by Ettore Scola and starring Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni. In 1938, in Italy, on “a special day” celebrating the meeting between Hitler and Mussolini, a housewife exhausted with daily life meets a mysterious man. The story is about their one-day intimate encounter. Unlike the film, this play was performed with only 2 actors – an actress, Ana Graham playing the housewife, Antonietta and an actor, Antonio Vega playing the mysterious man, Gabriele.

Actually, watching an English play is tough for me. It is even tougher when their spoken English comes with a Spanish accent. According to the two actors, English was used because they did not want the audience to read the subtitles: during reading, they would not be able to watch the stage itself. For me, the subtitles would be appreciated. Anyway, the play was performed in English, and they had some Italian words inserted as an interjection to create a little Italian atmosphere (according to the actors in the post performance Q&A session).

Watching the performance with me that day was a group of school girls led by their teacher. The actors were happy to see a different younger audience, but the girls, like Chipmunks, were talkative and noisy before the play started. Even when it started, with the opening scene of the actors in their underwear, the Chipmunks were astir. Luckily, someone shushed them, and the Chipmunks settled down quietly soon.

Yes, right after the play began, the two actors changed to their costumes on stage. Before that, they were at the entrance of the theatre to welcome the audience. After the audience took their seats, the actors changed to costumes in front of us. Then on three blank black walls forming the stage space, they started drawing with white chalk: windows and a portrait of Mussolini etc. And the play began with this line “Today is a special day for us.”

Antonietta, the housewife, her busy day begins. In this play, stage props like a table, chair, coffee cups and laundry are physically there. Other things needed during the play are drawn additionally on the walls by the actors before they are used, like the windows or portrait. Since there are only two actors, other characters like Antonietta’s children do not appear and are played only by the voices of the two actors. Behind the black wall forming the stage space, they act and react as if the other character is there. And, the two actors voice out sound effects, like the sound of a door bell, telephone ringing or a parrot’s squawking. The parrot is an important character, which does not physically exist on stage. There is a scene when the parrot escapes from her cage and flies away. This scene is expressed only by the actors’ performance, and the audience follows this invisible bird flying on stage together with the actors.

In the stage space, there are two open entrances. When the actors are walking in the space behind the rear black wall, the audience can see them through the entrances. Some scenes are set in Antonietta’s flat and some in Gabriele’s flat. For example, when the audience sees Antonietta running up and down in the space behind the wall, we can guess that she is hurrying down stairs to go to Gabriele’s flat. And the scene switches from Antonietta’s to Gabriele’s flat.

According to the two actors/directors, this interactive stage space was inspired from child’s play. For example, when off-stage Antionetta (but the audience can see her behind the black wall) is mimicking the sound of a telephone ringing, Gabriele in his room starts to draw a picture of a telephone on the wall and pretends to pick it up. It was fun and funny to watch, since this acting style stimulates the audience’s imagination. It was the pure pleasure of watching performing arts to us. At the same time, it allowed the audience to bring out something universal in the classical setting of 1938 Rome under the political power of fascism. I do not think that the same actors who welcome the audience at the start of the play wanted to build the illusion of realty on stage. The direction revealed that this was not something beyond a play. While it is just a play, or probably since it is just a play, there is a certain moment when I can feel that the emotion is a truth.

I do not think that this play indented to warn against fascism’s terror or to appeal that we should not repeat such terrible history again. Maybe there was an intention of melodrama, between a man and a woman who may actually be enemies, a heartbreaking love for only one day out of their daily life. What I felt instead is hatred against machismo, one of the ideologies supporting fascism. Actually hatred will be too strong since both characters never spouted such impassioned emotion. Objection will be more appropriate.

Antionetta, the housewife was ignored by her domineering husband, and everyday chased by housework and looking after her children. She supports the National Fascist Party, just like other citizens. Gabriele, the mysterious man was fired from a radio station and about to be banished to Sardinia because he was a homosexual. They had nothing in common with each other, politically or sexually. On this “special day”, however, they met by chance and shared their feelings and thoughts. But still it does not mean that they could not understand each other. Probably Antonietta could not understand Gabriele’s situation clearly till the end. Probably Gabriele did not expect her to understand him completely. But when Antonietta meets a sensitive and charming man and strongly moved by him, she realizes how tired she has been of her life till now. While Gabriele is in despair about the world and his future to the point of thinking of suicide, he then finds grace and goodness in a housewife among his neighbors. They grew something warm in their hearts, clashed and finally are united physically.

It is not something aggressive like sexual liberation, nor will it bring any changes in their lives after this. It is a small happening. But on that day, Antonietta could forget her ordinary life and get back to old her, full of life. Gabriele could forget his death and feel the joy of living. It was a passing happening under the world dominated by machismo. That is why the day was “a Special Day”.

And then, the day is over. Gabriele sets off to Sardinia. He probably will not come back again. Antonietta looks at him through her house’s window. The day like today will not come back again. Antonietta erases the opened window drawn by chalk. She re-draws it as a closed window. (10 February 2014)

Click here to read the Japanese review

『演劇』Working on a Special Day(特別な一日)

Working on a Special Day(特別な一日)」———束の間の、そして輝かしい、ただの一日
カンパニー:Por Piedad Teatro/The Play Company
演出:Ana Graham, Antonio Vega
出演:Ana Graham, Antonio Vega
見た場所:Esplanade Theatre Studio

 今年のFringe Festivalで私が見た、最後の作品。元はメキシコのシアター・カンパニーであるPor Piedad Teatroの作品だが、The Play Companyと協同してアメリカ上演を行ったという。アメリカはニューヨークで上演した際にはスペイン語だったそうだが、ここシンガポールでは英語での上演だった。原作はエットーレ・スコラ監督、マルチェロ・マストロヤンニ、ソフィア・ローレン主演の「特別な一日」というイタリア映画である。1938年のイタリア、ヒトラーのムッソリーニ訪問を祝う「特別な一日」に、生活に疲れた主婦が謎めいた男に出会う。物語は、その一日限りの二人の交情を描いている。映画とは異なり、この作品は、主婦アントニエッタ役の女優、Ana Grahamと謎の男ガブリエレ役の男優、Antonio Vegaによる二人芝居である。






 出演俳優であり演出も兼ねているAna GrahamAntonio Vegaによると、この相互作用的な、次々と書き足されて行く舞台空間は、子供の遊びから発想されたものらしい。例えば、舞台の表にいないアントニエッタ(姿は黒い壁の向こうに見えている)が電話のベルの効果音を演じると、一人部屋にいるガブリエレが壁に電話の絵を描いてから、受話器を取るふりをして電話に出る。見る方の想像力に頼る、こうしたシーンが楽しく、ユーモラスでもある。それは、演劇を見る純粋な楽しみを観客に与えるとともに、1938年のファシズム政権下のローマという古風な設定に、ある種の普遍性をもたらしているとも言える。俳優が観客を出迎えてくれるくらいなのだから、彼らは舞台上に「現実」のイリュージョンを打ち立てようとしているわけではない。その演出は、この芝居があくまでも芝居に過ぎないことを明らかにしている。しかしそれが単なる芝居であっても、あるいは恐らく、それが単なる芝居であるからこそ、そこに表れる感情が一つの真実だと、感じられる瞬間がある。







Sunday, 30 November 2014

『演劇』A Beautiful Chance Encounter of a Sewing Machine and an Umbrella on an Operating Table(解剖台の上のミシンと雨傘との美しい偶然の出会い)

A Beautiful Chance Encounter of a Sewing Machine and an Umbrella on an Operating Table(解剖台の上のミシンと雨傘との美しい偶然の出会い)」———野暮さからの美
カンパニー: Teater Ekamatra(シアター・エカマトラ)
演出: Irfan Kasban (イルファン・カスバン)
出演: Farah Ong, Hanz Medina, Lynn Yang, Nabilah Said, Nur Khairina, Rohana Akhbar, Ruby Jayaseelan, Tan Jia Yee, Vignesh Singh, Zul Mahmod

 Teater Ekamatraのブギスの広場での公演に行った。毎日夜の8時から3日間上演された。無料である。街中の広場の一角に、突如として現れた2階建ての鉄骨むき出しの建物。そのぐるりに、観客用のビニールシートが敷いてあり、さらにその外側に丸く囲むように柵が設けてある。この建物を中心に、10人ほどの俳優が、用意された装置や小道具を使いつつ、それぞれ好き勝手な動きを見せている。装置や小道具は、布や石、椅子、鏡など日常的なものから成っている。観客は、その建物の周りで、好きなように(どこからでも)彼らを見物できる。ストーリーもなく、全体的に一つの流れを持ったパフォーマンスをしているわけでもなく、観客はいつでも好きな時に来て、立ち去ることができる。全体の上演時間としては90分ほど。私は10分ほど遅れて行って、最後までいた。





 観客の中には、ワインを持ち込んで、楽しく一杯やっているような人達もいた。ストーリーや意味を追って行く作品ではないので、そうやって緩い感じで見るのもありではないかと。あまり考えてはいけない気がした。私も途中で帰っても良かったのだが、どうやって終わるのかが気になって、結局最後までいた。最後は、作のIrfan Kasbanが現れて、俳優達一人一人の肩を叩いて終了を告げる。俳優達は、笊にすだれをつけて顔が隠れるようにした帽子のようなものを被って、一人一人会場を去って行った。そのまま歩いて近く(アラブ・ストリート)の劇団事務所まで帰ったものと思われる。なお、公演のチラシは文字だけなのだが、そのデザインがロシア・アヴァンギャルド風(と言えばいいのか)で、とても美しかった。201447日)



[Theatre] A Beautiful Chance Encounter of a Sewing Machine and an Umbrella on an Operating Table

28 Mrach 2014
A Beautiful Chance Encounter of a Sewing Machine and an Umbrella on an Operating Table”---Beauty from Inelegance
Country: Singapore
Company: Teater Ekamatra
Director: Irfan Kasban
Cast: Farah Ong, Hanz Medina, Lynn Yang, Nabilah Said, Nur Khairina, Rohana Akhbar, Ruby Jayaseelan, Tan Jia Yee, Vignesh Singh, Zul Mahmod
Location I watched: an open field on Victoria St. near Bugis MRT station

I went to a performance by Teater Ekamatra at an open field in Bugis. The performance was presented for 3 days and it started at 8 pm every night. It was free. During this period, a two-story building with steel framework suddenly appeared at the part of a field in the centre of Bugis town. It was the performance site. Around the building, vinyl sheets for the audience were laid down, and around the sheets, fences were set up, surrounding them. At the building, about 10 performers were using sets or prepared properties and showing each movement freely. The sets and properties were clothes, stones, a chair or a mirror, made by ordinary things. The audience around the building could watch them freely from anywhere. There did not seem to be any story or a performance with a flow on the whole. So, the audience could come or leave anytime. The running time was for about 90 minutes in total. I came there 10 minutes late and stayed until the end of the performance.

I was bitten by mosquitoes, so it was quite tough to stay there. But I did not give up. Because the performance was something that made me happy even at a glance. Such a raw unrefined performance I can see in Singapore! (I am praising, of course.)

Each of the actors played a character and seemed to be performing freely as they wanted to. They were performing on their own, regardless of other characters, but sometimes interacting with the others. A man is putting clothes on the back of a chair and holding it like a child or a lover. A woman is ringing little bells tied up on her feet and parading like a queen, making an old cloth flutter like a gown. A character is playing on a swing, using cloth tied to the steel framework like a hammock. There is someone splashing water from a pail. A character who arrives from the opposite end of the building with a travel bag, starts cleaning up the mess on the ground to a shopping trolley. A character is walking around thrusting a mirror in the faces of the audience. A character ties her hands with a string held by another character. And they both started walking around the building, etc.

Is this a moving tableau vivant for 90 minutes? Or a metaphor of a mental hospital? Or a parody of our daily life, human history from ancient times to the present, or theatre arts?

This performance’s title is taken from a phrase of poetry by Comte de Lautréamont, who had an influence on Surrealism. I felt that the main purpose of this performance was to find unexpected beauty and stimulation from a vulgar and unreasonably messy surface. Especially in theatre arts, beauty that moves the audience does not always arise from something stylish, fine or clean. When someone is expressing something, exposing his/her body in front of another, the unrefined touch and energy fresh from the body can strike him/her watching it, and beauty is also created from there, I think. That is why I was pleased that the performance ambience was unrefined and cheap. For that, or precisely for that reason, a moment is quite impressive and outstandingly beautiful without any logical thinking.

In the audience, there were a few people bringing a bottle of wine and drinking merrily. Since we did not have to concentrate on the performance storyline or meaning, it was possible to relax and watch it casually. I thought, we should not think too hard about this performance. Although I could have left halfway through the performance, I stayed as I was curious how it would end. It did end when the director, Irfan Kasban appeared and tapped each actor on the shoulder, signaling to stop their performance. The actors put on a hat similar to a bamboo strainer with a screen covering their face, and walked out of the venue one by one. Maybe they walked back to their company office near Arab Street. By the way, the publicity flier of this performance had a design using only letters. It is quite beautiful, like the Russian Avant-Garde design. (7 April 2014)

Click here to read the Japanese review


Sunday, 26 October 2014

[Film] Shakespeare Must Die / 『映画』Shakespeare Must Die(シェイクスピア・マスト・ダイ)

2 May 2014
“Shakespeare Must Die”---Probably, Shakespeare is alive
Release Year: 2012
Country: Thailand
Director: Ing K
Cast: Pisarn Pattanapeeradej, Fiona Tarini Graham
Location I watched: SAM at 8Q

Chubby Thai Macbeth is sitting in the centre.

I attended this screening as part of “Southeast Asian Film Festival”. The venue was the Moving Image Gallery in SAM at 8Q. I was a little bit surprised with the seating; the seats were ones of bench style with cushions. Anyway, the film was a Thai version of “Macbeth”. The director, Ing K attended the screening and talked eagerly about her film in the Q and A session. In the introduction before the screening, as a motive for this production, she said that “Macbeth” was her favorite in Shakespeare’s works. She also mentioned that Shakespeare plays were not highbrow classics, but they have energy to reflect the present. As she said what every Shakespeare fan would think, it was pleasant.

As I am now writing this review, and it is embarrassing to admit this…I slept once half way through the screening. I think it happened in Act 2, Scene 1, one of the famous scenes where Macbeth saw a dagger in his mind before killing Duncan. Maybe it was for about 5 minutes or so. I did not want to sleep, but it depends on my physical condition. Please be tolerant. Anyway, although I did fell into unconsciousness once, this film is still worth its 172 minutes running time. For example, the scenes with the three witches were like a contemporary arts video installation; colorful and kitsch. It can be just ironically said to be a very Southeast Asian taste, but I really admire the brilliance of images. Not only the scenes, but also the entire work is unique and ambitious, and a welcome adaptation of Shakespeare.

Another good scene is one in Act 5 Scene 1 where Lady Macbeth is wandering late at night as a sleepwalker. I could fully enjoy the acting by the actress played Lady Macbeth. As a so-so Shakespeare fan, comparing previous versions I have watched on stage and film, this Lady Macbeth is wonderful.

So I think it is a good film, but…it is a little bit too long. “What are you saying? You are sleeping, aren’t you?” I agree with that blame myself. However, while “Macbeth” is a short play, the actual running time is almost for 3 hours. In a serious cinematic adaptation of Shakespeare plays, you would want to show properly how actors speak the line, and the various images in the text. For this “Macbeth”, the director probably wanted to deliver the greatness of Shakespeare plays to the Thai audience, so it seems that she tried not to cut any scenes, even lines as much as possible.

I do not think that any scenes should be cut. But if the director had cut out some of the lines, the film would still be at least 2 and a half hours. Since the film is in Thai language, actually it is difficult for me to judge the choice of edits, though. Or visually, some images, like ominous shadows of birds flying in the dark sky, were a little superfluous; if having cut them out, the film would flow better. I think the film have captured the dark atmosphere enough even without such a scene.

As an old-fashioned person, I have learnt the joy of Shakespeare plays from watching live performances by Shakespeare Theatre*** back in Japan (which I think, is uncommon nowadays). In a live performance, I always wish that the actors speak their lines fast, especially in the case of Japanese translation. On every line, every scene, lingering on the feeling is not necessary. I always hope that the story is basically progressing briskly. The tempo is important to me. While every Shakespeare fan has a preference to their ideal staging, no matter if it is correct or wrong. For me, Shakespeare plays with fast tempo are my personal preference, so I am constantly thinking whether the running time is a proper length. For this film, there was nothing especially slow or loose and a good value on watching for 3 hours, but I was still concerned about the running time.

Another of my concern was an editing style on the characters’ shots in a heavy dialogue or monologue scene. While he/she was speaking the lines, his/her face’s shot was constantly going to another his/her face’s shot with a kind of dissolve effect. As an effective example, in the scene of a Lady Macbeth’s monologue after she read a letter from her husband, she was captured with that constant cutting. Since a little gap with the dissolve effect between 2 shots is made, I could feel the development of her thoughts while she was talking to herself. However, when this effect was repeated constantly, I felt annoyed a little.

This film is a unique cinematization of “Macbeth”, and the most unique point is what a story has two structures at the same time.

One structure was the on-screen staging of “Macbeth” that the audience in the film is watching. The other is the unfolding story of “Macbeth” under the setting of the present real world in the film. It is also said to be a solution that fits the budget of this film. For example, the battle in the play’s climax is done on stage (maybe saving the director the cost of shooting a full scale battle). On the other hand, the banquet by King Macbeth is done in the dining room in a real mansion (like the Official Residence). While watching the film, I was thinking that the stage version on screen would gradually merge with the real world and become one perfect real world. For example, the murder scene of Lady Macduff was filmed as a road ambush. Lady Macduff, travelling in her car with her chauffer and daughter, was dragged out of the car by assassins and executed. It was a horrible and brilliant sequence. However, the stage version constantly appeared and the scene of the audience was inserted sometimes. It did not seem to merge in the end. This made me puzzled and a little unsatisfied.

But, actually…I remember midway through the film, there was a scene of intermission for the stage version. A person dressed like security police was at the “Macbeth” play venue. At the film climax, when the tyrant Macbeth was defeated and the play’s audience became excited with joy (the audience regarded “Macbeth” as a model of the current political situation), suddenly the security police surged into the venue. The audience and the actors rushed away, but some actors were arrested and put into a police cell. More horribly, an anti-government person from the theatre company was then literally lifted up in the air by pro-government citizens. This scene denies the simple diagram of bad politician and good citizens, and reflects the difficulties of understanding complicated politics. This is where the film is a really excellent and critical “Macbeth”. While Macbeth is labeled a “tyrant”, he still has his faithful solders enough to fight till the end. He is not alone, and even if such many people are unhappy, the side that has won is correct. After all, that is a politics power game, I think. The last scene in the film shows a sequence with the 3 witches watching a telecast of Macbeth making an official statement on TV. In the speech, he is announcing that the Government will begin censorship on the arts to keep security and public order for citizens. On the other hand, in the police cell, the actors playing “Macduff” and “Malcolm” are shouting a line with anger, “Hail, King!” Macbeth was defeated on the stage at the end, but it would not be simple to kick out real Macbeth. The film’s ending is a reversal of “Macbeth”.

If Shakespeare plays still had such energy in which the audience in the film was involved, it would be fantastic. Even when they tackled unhappy issues like criticism against the current government. Although I like Shakespeare plays, I am pessimistic on that point. Perhaps Shakespeare plays no longer have such strong power. The audience’s excitement in the film is just an ideal, I thought. However, actually Shakespeare plays still have some influence on our own age because this film has been banned from screening in Thailand. At the screening I went to, there was a Thai audience who flew all the way to Singapore to watch this film. It turns out that the directors had to fight hard against the Thai government to screen this film. From that battle, she created another documentary film “Censor Must Die” (also screened at “Southeast Asian Film Festival”. Unfortunately I missed it).

At the post screening Q and A session, the director talked briefly about why she thinks this film has been banned. According to her, the Thai Government mentioned many trifling thing, but mainly they thought that the film made fun of the Thaksin political party. I feel really sad for this film ban. The opportunity for film audience to see the film is reduced. Whether censorship is done or not, whether government is good or not, it does not matter. Anyway the darkness of the world Shakespeare sometimes described is not a fiction. We should accept it, I think. (8 May 2014)

*** Shakespeare Theatre…A Japanese theatre company. Founded in 1975 by the director, Mr. Norio Deguchi. Their initial mission was staging of all Shakespeare plays (37 plays) in Japanese. It was accomplished in 1981, but they are continuously creating new productions, focusing on Shakespeare plays. Their version of Shakespeare plays is speedy and lively with simple staging.

Shakespeare Must Die(シェイクスピア・マスト・ダイ)」———たぶんシェイクスピアは死んでいない
監督:Ing K
出演:Pisarn Pattanapeeradej, Fiona Tarini Graham
見た場所:SAM at 8Q

 「Southeast Asian Film Festival」のプログラムの一つを見に行った。会場はSingapore Art Museumの分館、SAM at 8Qの映像ホールだったのだが、椅子が・・・クッションはあるが、ベンチ式でちょっと驚いた。とにかく、タイ国版「マクベス」で、監督のIng K氏も来星し、上映後の質問コーナーでは、熱心に語ってくれる。上映前の挨拶でも、シェイクスピアの、特に「マクベス」が好きなことを製作の動機としてあげ、シェイクスピア作品は単なる高踏な古典なのではなく、現代をも映し出すエネルギーを持っているのだという、シェイクスピア好きが一様に思うようなことを語り、好ましかった。










 この映画の舞台上演のように、シェイクスピア劇に観客を巻き込むようなエネルギーが今もあるとしたら、それは素晴らしいことである。それが現体制批判という幸せではないことであったとしても。この点についてはシェイクスピア劇が好きな私だが、悲観的である。おそらくシェイクスピア劇にもはやそのような力はないだろう。映画中の観客の興奮は理想でしかないよな、と思っていた。しかし、実のところシェイクスピア劇は、いまだ私達の時代にも、なにがしかの影響力を持っていたのだ。というのは、この映画はタイでは上映禁止になったのだ。そういうわけで、タイからわざわざ見に来たお客さんもいた。監督達は政府相手にだいぶ頑張ったらしく、その顛末は、同じIng K監督のドキュメンタリー「Censor Must Die」(同じ「Southeast Asian Film Festival」で上映されたが、私は残念なことに見られなかった)で描かれているとのことだった。


Friday, 12 September 2014

[Theatre] The House of Bernarda Alba / 『演劇』ベルナルダ・アルバの家

15 March 2014
“The House of Bernarda Alba”--- I expected more intensity and more drama in the dark house
Country: Singapore
Company: Wild Rice
Director: Glen Goei
Cast: Claire Wong, Jo Kukathas, Glory Ngim
Location I watched: Drama Centre Theatre

It was Wild Rice’s performance of The House of Bernarda Alba, the notable play by Garcia Lorca (a Spanish poet) whom I always confused with Garcia Marquez (a Columbian novelist). It has been a long time since I last watched a Wild Rice performance.

When the Master of a rich house died, his wife, Bernarda, declares that her five daughters will mourn his death for eight years. Although the daughters are in the flower of womanhood, they are forbidden contact with the outside. And the household starts to rift with desire, jealousy and hatred coming up among them. Its black feelings and tensions, together with Bernarda’s tyrannical attitude for protecting her family’s honor, finally cause a tragedy. 

While the characters’ practicing religion is Christianity, the play is set in a Peranakan mansion. The traditional colourful Kebaya dresses are beautifully designed in black. The stage set; the interior of the house of Bernarda Alba is also brilliant. There are huge double doors at the back of the stage, rising from the floor to the ceiling, and vertical oriented windows like ones of Peranakan buildings. But the house is different from a usual Peranakan style mansion with light colors, and designed in gloomy black. We might say that the real protagonist of this story is the house, and this set design is suitable for that.

After the Master’s funeral, when Bernarda Alba made her first appearance through the huge double doors, she looked imposing, like a deputy of God. It was very impressive. And following her, her daughters and a female chorus came into the house. The play, not only featured female actors playing all the characters, but it also had an all female chorus. The female chorus came to the stage as funeral attendants, at first. They prayed together, and then moved to one of the stage wings. The chorus stayed there and sometimes took part in the play. For instance, when a girl was punished for murdering her baby born out of wedlock in their village, the chorus sang out “Kill (her), Kill”. (By the way, since the play is set in the interior of the house, the audience does not get to see the village directly.) In that scene, Adela, the youngest daughter, was the only character to show a negative attitude against the punishment. When the girl was killed, Adela shouted in despair. It was another impactful scene. Both the scenes with the chorus were striking and such exaggerated directions were appreciated.

In this play, Bernarda Alba’s strong will is moving the story toward one direction. That is the point of the play, I think. Bernarda does not change her decision through the play. For instance, her servant, Poncia’s admonition was just unavailing (even if Barnarda became uneasy). This rigidity dooms the story straight to the catastrophe. Even in her daughters’ scene where Barnarda was not involved, the audience could see her staying silently at the back of the stage. It seems to express how strongly her presence is dominating the entire of the story. I think it was a well-considered direction.

What I first associated with house imprisonment is Kura (a traditional Japanese storehouse) or Zashiki-Ro (a traditional Japanese room for confinement). But since this play is not a Japanese detective novel set in the pre-World War 2nd period, I had to dismiss that idea of such a horrible room. Bernarda’s declaration does not mean that her daughters cannot leave the house. They can still take a walk around the house. They can still receive visitors. In fact, even a marriage arrangement is brought for the oldest daughter, Angustias. Her daughters can still enjoy limited freedom under the permission of their Mother, Bernarda. According to the brochure, Glen Goei, the play’s director, seems to have revolved around the question about the play’s theme: “What happens when the Old Man dies?” That is “What happens to the family when the Patriarch (the Old Man) dies?” His family has been inured to repression and depending on him for such a long time, so they hope continuous domination. And they make their desire or hatred repressed till now spout out slowly. This is interpreted not just for a family, but it also can be for a system of politics or a nation, and maybe even for Singapore itself.

If this production were created with this idea, it would be a quite sharp comment on Singapore politics. But as long as I watched it, I could not see any of its execution. What I felt more as something notable was the situation where there was a physical lack of men among women. For instance, in an early scene, a maid missing her late Master, was writhing with masturbation. That scene was expressing the situation straightforwardly. This play describes a tragedy caused by the Mother’s domination of her daughters’ freedom when she is haunted by the family honor, respectability and convention. With the emphasis of the lack of eligible men, this idea seemed antiquated; it does not reach me so much as an actual problem. I never think that it is an old-fashioned theme for a mother to repress her children, especially on their sexuality. But this production makes it feel a little old-fashioned.

If this production had carried through its exaggerated directions throughout the play, it would have been stronger and convincing since the audience would not have time to wonder about the situation as old-fashioned one. What should have been needed was more intensity throughout the play. I earlier praised the beautiful stage design and costumes, but it is also a weak point. For the darkness of repression with sexual crisis, this production was partly too stylish and sophisticated, I think. 

Since a local bakery, Bengawan Solo, was cooperating with this production, the audience was treated to free cakes like Kueh Lapis in the theatre foyer before the performance. The brochure had the Bengawan Solo advertisement of dignified Bernarda Alba with the tagline “Only Bengawan Solo will do! –BERNARDA ALBA”. It was funny. After the performance, I checked a Bengawan Solo outlet on the way home. It was still effective what Mother said. (20 March 2014)

At a Bengawan Solo outlet

カンパニー:Wild Rice(ワイルド・ライス)
演出:Glen Goei(グレン・ゴエイ)
出演:Claire Wong, Jo Kukathas, Glory Ngim
見た場所:Drama Centre Theatre 

 私がよくコロンビアのガルシア・マルケスと混同してわからなくなる、スペインの詩人、ガルシア・ロルカの代表的戯曲の上演。久しぶりにWild Riceの公演を見に行った。





 家に閉じ込められるというと、なんとなく蔵とか座敷牢とかイメージしたくなるが、戦前の日本の探偵小説でもあるまいし、そういう恐ろしげなものはない。娘達は家から一歩も外に出られないわけではなく、庭を散歩したりはしている。また、訪問客に会ったりもする。それどころか、一番上の娘、アングスティアスに縁談が持ち上がりもする。要は、彼女達は母親であるベルナルダの許す、限られた範囲での自由を享受できるわけだ。プログラムによると、演出家Glen Goeiは、この作品のテーマについて、「(家長である)老いた男が死んだ時、(その家に)何が起こるか?」という問いを中心にすえて考えたらしい。これまでの抑圧にあまりにも慣れ依存した人々が、引き続きの支配を望むとともに、その抑圧の元で押し殺して来た欲望や憎悪をじわじわと噴出させていく。これは、単なる一つの家の問題ではなく、国家や政治システムについても言えることなのではないか。と考えると、これはシンガポールという国そのものについても言えることかもしれない。



 今回の公演は、お菓子屋のブンガワン・ソロと提携している。そのため、開演前にロビーで、無料のKueh Lapisなどのケーキを振る舞ってくれていたのだが、プログラムにもブンガワン・ソロの広告が載っていた。厳めしいベルナルダ・アルバが、吹き出しで「Only Bengawan Solo will do! –BERNARDA ALBA」と言っている。面白いから。そこで帰りに、ブンガワン・ソロの店舗に寄ってみた。やはりお母さんの言う事は有効である。(2014年3月20日)

Thursday, 28 August 2014

[Film] her /『映画』her/世界でひとつの彼女

5 February 2014
“her”---A “truth” of romance with OS
Release Year: 2013
Country: USA
Director: Spike Jonze
Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Scarlett Johansson, Amy Adams
Location I watched: Golden Village Marina

If Scarlett Johansson were always with me… This film has made the dream of the guys all over the world come true. It took place on (maybe) Los Angeles in the near future. The protagonist, Theodore played by Joaquin Phoenix, who had recently separated from his wife. He purchased the newest operation system (OS) with Artificial Intelligence to kill time and comfort himself. The operation system introduced herself as “Samantha” and started speaking to him with a female voice. Samantha filled the gap in his heart, and soon he fell in love with her.

The voice of the OS “Samantha” was acted by Scarlett Johansson. It is said that the film was shot with the voice of Samantha Morton at first. At the post-production editing stage, I am not sure, whether it was the director, Spike Jonze or another person, but anyway, they became unsatisfied with Samantha Morton’s voice. It was decided that, for Scarlett Johansson to take over. Her voice ---sexy, husky and slightly flirty--- completely knocked out Theodore. Her voice does not sound like a computer and is opposite to what we usually image as a computer voice (cool, calm and heartless). That is the important point for Theodore to become charmed by “her”.

The image of the near future in “her” is interesting. It looks as if there is no significant difference from the present, but technology is making further advances. People do not use a keyboard any more. They speak to a PC or a smart phone, and can print out the contents or send it as e-mail. A smart phone being smaller than now, a PC and wireless earphones are connected seamlessly. So when they put on earphones, they can talk with the operation system, keeping their smart phone in their shirt pocket, and they check e-mails or reply to them. It is becoming a natural behavior. Computer games are moving holograms and the interactive communication with characters is available. On the other hand, since it probably requires more efforts, communication by paper is still surviving as something special and luxurious. Our protagonist, Theodore’s occupation is a specialist of writing letters. He writes beautiful sentences (by speaking to his PC), print it out (letters are printed out are the style of handwriting) and send it on behalf of clients, who want to send a letter to his/her partner on their anniversary, for example.

In the world of this film, the beauty of nature still remains. The city is streamlined and bright, reflecting the atmosphere of the future a bit. The shooting of the film was in Los Angeles and Shanghai, China. In a scene where Theodore takes an express train to go on holiday, I wondered if it was a Chinese High-speed Rail Train. The fashion of men’s clothing is funny. Men’s trousers are with high waisted. It was funny to see Theodore in this retro fashion standing in a super modern room. There is obviously and slightly different atmosphere from the present, and I thought it was interesting.

This is an interesting film, but the running time of 126 mins (more than 2 hours) was a little long for me. Why is “her” long? Because eventually this film is not about a romance with operation system, I think. It is a story about a man who looked at his pain caused by separation from his wife and accepted it in his life throughout the romantic relationship with operation system. It can be said that it is a story for a man recovering from his pain of divorce.

As “her” was made carefully, there is no scene where Theodore is buying the new operation system in a shop. It means that the audience cannot see the relation of master to servant through money, a relationship which actually exists between Theodore and Samantha. However, as Samantha is still not a human, she is a super girl friend that a human female is not to be able to achieve. The way Samantha comforts Theodore after a failed blind date or the way Samantha listens to him talking about the past relationship with his wife---it sounds perfect. Samantha’s only problem is that she does not have a body. To resolve that, she sends a young lady to have sex with Theodore in her place. It would have been the climax of the relationship between Theodore and Samantha, but the reconciliation is done very smoothly. If Samantha were a human (in that case, that would never happen, though), the situation would be more tangled. But normally romance does not involve only one person, and the real delight of romantic films are got at the end of conflict or imbroglios two persons go through, I think.

“Don’t talk to me. I am tired of work, now.” Or “You aren’t the only person in trouble.”…Samantha never talked back like that. She was always a good and cheerful partner. She healed broken-hearted Theodore. He understood that even the incident of a substitute girl came from Samantha’s consideration for him. However, his happy days lasted for only a short time. When Samantha introduced a male philosopher with elegant voice online to him, Theodore felt uneasy. Later when the connection to Samantha failed, he has got in a panic. At that time, for the first time, he felt that he was refused by Samantha. In the real world, in an actual relationship, however, this is a normal thing to happen.

In an early scene where Theodore has a conversation with Samantha first, the camera focuses on Theodore sitting in front of PC, and then it gradually backs away from him. It is a moment when his world of shutting himself is beginning to extend a little by talking friendly with another person. However, after that, when Theodore talks with Samantha, the camera mainly take him with close-up, especially in the first half of the film. It emphasizes that it is the world of only himself.

After all, although Theodore looked as if he was falling love with somebody, he was actually just delivering monologues. But Samantha healed his broken heart. Spending time with her, helping him capture the external world with fresh views (including human relations), Theodore could find the beauty of the world again. And since he realized the real meaning of the relationship with Samantha, Theodore could calmly accept the farewell with her. With that, he could finally say farewell to his ex-wife. In the last conversation with Samantha, Theodore is lying down on the bed, looking at the dust floating in the daylight. The dust turns into snow in the winter mountains where he has been with Samantha. And then, before the sunrise, Theodore goes up to the roof of his apartment with his friend, Amy (played by Amy Adams) and looks down at the city of Los Angeles. In another scene, this city of night looked like a digital circuit, but in this scene, the city shows the original figure as a city with the sunrise.

A man is, by the influence of something internal, seduced to the external world. As this film described the slightly ironical story with tenderness, it was a good film, I think. However, for a 2 hour show consisting of mainly a monologue of a man going through a divorce is a little too long for me.

By the way, I noticed Theodore’s Samantha OS was an expensive latest version operating system that freely left his computer after just a short use, leaving Theodore with a downgraded system. Surely in this case, Theodore should have called customer service first? (12 Feb. 2014)

見た場所:Golden Village Marina










