Sunday, 21 July 2019


公開年: 2018
製作国: アメリカ
監督: Sandi Tan(サンディ・タン)
出演: Sandi Tan(サンディ・タン), Jasmine Kin Kia Ng, Sophia Siddique Harvey, Ben Harrison
見た場所: Capitol Theatre

 Singapore Film Society(シンガポール・フィルム・ソサエティ)創立60周年記念の上映作品は、アメリカ在住のシンガポール人作家サンディ・タンによるドキュメンタリー「Shirkers(消えた16mmフィルム)」だった。シンガポール・プレミアとなった上映は、1929年建設のかつての映画館、今や美しく復元されたCapitol Theatreで賑々しく行われた。

会場のCapitol Theatre

 SFS60周年記念ということで、ロビーにはSFS60年の歩みがパネル展示され、特別ゲストとして財務大臣Heng Swee Keatが来場。SFSの会長Kenneth Tanの紹介で、上映前に大臣のスピーチが行われた。なぜ財務大臣が?というと、Mr. Heng Swee KeatはかつてSFSの会員で、若い頃SFSの上映会でリトアニア(だったと思う)映画を見たら、最初9人くらいしかいなかった観客が、終わった時には自分と(未来の)妻を入れてさらに4人に減っていた、という思い出話ができるほどの映画好きなのだ。


「Zombie Dogs」を監督した故Toh Hai Leong(右上)もSFSのメンバーだった


 「Shirkers(消えた16mmフィルム)」は、サンディ・タンが19歳の頃に仲間達と製作しようとし、完成されることのなかった映画「Shirkers」を巡るドキュメンタリーである。今回のプレミアでは、監督のサンディや出演者だけでなく、オリジナルの「Shirkers」の出演者達もゲストとして来場した。オープニングでは「Shirkers(消えた16mmフィルム)」(ドキュメンタリー「Shirkers」)の主題歌を担当したweishのライヴ・パフォーマンス、そして上映終了後は、オリジナル「Shirkers」でサウンドトラックを担当するはずであったBen Harrisonのバンドによるライヴが行われた。最後は、来場した20人ほどのゲスト全員での記念撮影が行われ、オリジナル版でプロデュースを担当し、現在はアメリカ在住のSophia Siddique Harveyもビデオ通話で参加。約900席のCapitol Theatreがほぼ満席となる大きなイベントだったが、「Shirkers同窓会」のようなアットホームな雰囲気をたたえつつ、上映会は賑やかに終了したのだった。


Ben Harrison(中央)とバンドのライヴ

 1990年代の始め。サブカルチャーにどっぷり浸かってとんがった女の子に成長したサンディ(Sandi Tan)は、友達のジャスミン(Jasmine Kin Kia Ng)とソフィア(Sophia Siddique Harvey)とともに、自主映画製作を試みる。脚本は、サンディが書いた「Shirkers(逃避者)」。J.D.サリンジャーの「ライ麦畑でつかまえて」に影響を受けたこの作品は、殺人者である少女が「友人」となった子供達を連れてシンガポール中を旅するという、30分も車で走ればマレーシアとの国境に行き着く、小さな国のロードムービーだった。脚本だけでなく、主人公の少女もサンディ自身が演じることとなった。そして肝心の監督を担当するのは、彼らが以前受講していた映画製作講座の先生、ジョージ・カルドナ(Georges Cardona)である。そもそもジョージが、サンディの脚本に感銘を受けて、彼女に映画化を勧めたのだった。サンディら三人娘は、それぞれ海外の留学先から夏期休暇でシンガポールに一時帰国すると、他の仲間達とともに精力的に活動を開始した。16mmフィルムを無料で使わせてもらえるよう写真店と交渉し、ロケハンをし、オーディションをして俳優を募る。監督のジョージ以外は皆、10代の少年少女だった。





 そもそも撮影中からジョージにはうろんな所が多かった。特にジャスミンはそう感じていたようだ。彼女に限らず、プロデューサーとして資金の話をつけてミーティングを設定したにも関わらず、ジョージに当のミーティングから追い払われたソフィアもしかり。当初サントラを担当していたベン(Ben Harrison)は、ジョージに「サントラはプロに頼むから外れろ」と脅されるように言われ、一本しか持っていなかったマスターテープも取り上げられてしまった(「プロ」に頼むなら、ベンのマスターテープは必要なくないか?)。ジョージと二人でアメリカ旅行をしたこともあり、恐らく最もジョージに心酔していたサンディは、その点で他の皆よりも鈍かったのだろうが、そのサンディでさえ、実のところ撮影の最後の方で脚本に全くないシーンを取るジョージをおかしいと感じていた。










 なお、サンディの親友ジャスミンは、1999年にKelvin Tong(ケルヴィン・トン)と共同で「Eating Air」という作品を監督している。学校をドロップアウトした不良少年と孤独な少女との初恋を描いたこの映画は、私の最も好きなシンガポール映画の一つである。この作品を見たのはもう10年以上前のことだが、その時、この作品は、バイクで国境を超えてシンガポールからマレーシアへ向かう、そういう逃避行を夢見ながら、その夢が決して果たされなかった映画、ロードムービーを夢見た映画だと思ったのだった。ロードムービーにならなかった所に、シンガポールの閉塞感があり、青春の挫折があった。オリジナル「Shirkers」が志向していたものもやはりロードムービーであったことを知り、またしみじみと「Eating Air」のことを思い出したのだった。201955日)

ジャスミンとケルヴィン・トンの「Easting Air」

Saturday, 13 July 2019

[Film] Fly Away Home (Maikäfer flieg)

18 May 2017
“Fly Away Home (Maikäfer flieg)---European Union Film Festival
Release Year: 2016
Country: Austria
Director: Mirjam Unger
Cast: Zita Gaier, Ursula Strauss, Gerald Votava, Konstantin Khabenskiy
Location I watched: National Gallery Singapore

Story from the programme booklet:
Vienna 1945: The powder keg of war and the Russian occupation as seen through the innocent eyes of nine-year old Christine. Bombed out and penniless, she and her family are put up in a fancy villa in the outskirts of Vienna, a moment when class differences get amplified and all families in the house just want to survive. After the German soldiers capitulate, the Russians take over the house. Everybody is scared of the Russians, except Christine. Based on a novel by Christine Nöstlinger, the most popular children’s book author in Germany and Austria.

On the day before this screening, I saw a lady who came to the venue at the wrong time and watched “Kincsen - Bet on Revenge” instead of “Insyriated”. Now, I have made a similar mistake, too. This “Fly Away Home” started from 7pm, but I mistakenly thought the start was 7:30pm. I was near the venue at 7pm. However, thinking I was early, I was innocently eating dinner. When I saw there was nobody in the lobby of the venue, I realized my mistake. I assume that I missed the first 15 minutes or so. When I started watching the film, the protagonist, Christine and her family were already in the villa and her father has just returned to his family.

Generally, I do not like films with children or animals very much. The nine-year old protagonist, Christine is restless and selfish. She is not a likable person for me. “Fly Away Home” is describing the world seen through her eyes, so the camera movement is active like her. As she is a child, she still does not completely understand about war. However, she experiences many things.

There are some memorable scenes. Christina’s mother used to work for Mrs. von Braun, the mistress of the villa. That is why she got Mrs. von Braun’s offer and Christina’s family could stay in her villa. When Mrs. von Braun arrived with her small son later, she found Christine’s father who was hiding there. (Christina’s father is a soldier with the German Army, but he got injured and deserted from the hospital.) Then, Mrs. von Braun voluntarily started telling them how her husband had died by this war, and she did not say anything else. However, both ladies---Mrs. von Braun and Christine’s mother---looked like they understood each other. It does not matter which class people are belonging to. Everybody is suffering from war, but it is precious that we are still surviving. I think that they shared such feelings.

Christina became friends with one of Russian soldiers, Cohn who was in charge of cooking. She asked Cohn to bring her to her grandparents’ place in the town. Christina was proud that her grandmother was a brave woman. However, the grandmother that Christina saw in their apartment had become paranoid for fear of the war. It made Christina disappointed and sad. That scene is also impressive.

After bringing Christina to her grandparents’ place, Cohn was regarded as a deserter and arrested. Christina felt a sense of responsibility to that he could not return. She insisted on sleeping in his hut to wait for him. I did not like her initially, but from this scene, I began to have a good feeling for her.

Finally the Russian troops were departing from the villa. Actually Mrs. von Braun had an affair with the Major of the troops to take advantage of them. When Christina knew they were leaving, she told Mrs. von Braun that the Major would probably visit her again. However, Mrs. von Braun coolly said that she would forget him. Christina did not understand adults’ “situation”. She thought that Mrs. von Braun likes the Major and tried to comfort her. Now I felt Christina more adorable.

Friendship with a kind Russian cook, glancing at the world of adults... through many-sided experiences like a prism by a nine-year old girl, this film describes many things in the “empty” time at the end of the war; hunger, violence, changed people and unchanged family’s tie... It was terribly sorry for me to miss the first part. (5 January 2019)

Sunday, 7 July 2019

[Film] Kincsem - Bet on Revenge (Kincsem)

17 May 2017
“Kincsem - Bet on Revenge (Kincsem)”---European Union Film Festival
Release Year: 2017
Country: Hungary
Director: Gabor Herendi
Cast: Ervin Nagy, Andrea Petrik, Tibor Gaspar
Location I watched: National Gallery Singapore

Story from the programme booklet:
Hungarian aristocrat and supreme horse trainer Sandor Blaskovich was accused of treason and killed by his former friend, Austrian officer Otto von Oettingen. His son, the dashing Erno Blaskovich (Ervin Nagy) has lost everything in the aftermath of the 1848-1849 Hungarian revolution, including their family castle which von Oettingen takes over forcing him to move into a labourer’s cottage. Erno’s bohemian lifestyle gets a chance of redemption in the form of Kincsem, the miraculous horse who wins every single race across Europe. Fate offers a shot at revenge, giving Erno the chance to beat his nemesis and father’s murderer, fellow horse owner von Oettingen. However, their rivalry takes an unexpected turn, when Blaskovich falls in love with Klara, von Oettingen’s daughter. Can love triumph revenge?

A man who has lost everything, seeking revenge, falling love with his enemy’s daughter... The first impression from the programme booklet story is that this is a serious film. However, “Kincsem – Bet on Revenge” is actually an enjoyable entertainment film. It is a luxurious, spectacular and light period drama without dignity which is sometimes required for period dramas.

The theme of falling in love with his enemy’s daughter might sound old-fashioned, but the film does not make it so. Erno and Klara, von Oettingen’s daughter, know each other at the beginning of the film. Erno was a hopeless horse owner who bets on other’s horses instead of his own horse. However, he met Kincsem which could not be easily tamed. When Kincsem escaped from Klara’s riding ground, Ermo accidentally chased after this horse. Then he turned to be serious for Kincsem. Eventually Ermo got Kincsem’s ownership from Klara and started to train her. In the meantime, Klara got to know Erno’s talent for horse training and paid respect to him. As the film title shows, Kincsem, the female horse is the center of the story. I like that the film does not go off the track with Kincsem’s story. The last shot in the film is of he (Erno), she (Klara) and of course, the horse, Kincsem.

Although Kincsem is a real racehorse in the 1870s, “Kincsem – Bet on Revenge” is a fictional story, I think. However, since this film is for Kincsem, the most important fact, Kincsem’s unbeaten record cannot be changed. Kincsem is so famous that a lot of audience may know her legendary record even before watching this film, 54 wins out of 54 races. In that case, how was this well-known fact developed into a story to attract the audience?

Firstly, the owner’s character is initially set as a loser. To change his life, he must win with Kincsem. That is why her debut race scene is so exciting. When Kincsem won for the first time, Erno looked as if he almost started to cry and faint before he congratulated himself on this victory. This scene was convincing and funny. Secondly, a special situation is created where the owner does not want Kincsem to win. Erno’s love for Klara, his enemy’s daughter prepares for this situation, too. This unbeaten horse must lose in this film? It makes the audience uncertain and engages them in the race, even if we know Kincsem’s real history.

By the way, when the film ended, a lady sitting next to me asked, “What time will “Insyriated” start?” “Insyriated” is another European Union Film Festival (EUFF) title, a Belgium film about a Syrian family who is desperately trying to be together in their apartment while a war rages outside. Although I have not watched this film, obviously it seems to be a serious film, a perfect opposite of “Kincsem”. I answered her that “Insyriated” is scheduled from 9 pm after “Kincsem”. Then, she said, “Alamak! I watched a wrong film!” Actually she bought a ticket for “Insyriated”, but she came at the wrong time. (For some reasons, the ticket taker did not check the film title of her ticket.) Even after the film started, she did not realize for a while that she came at the wrong time. Since some EUFF screenings show a short film before the main program, she thought that “Insyriated” would start after this “short” film. Of course, “Kincsem” is not a short film, so she noticed her mistake on the half way. But eventually she watched through “Kincsem” till the end. She said, “It’s OK, it was an enjoyable film, right?” (October 7, 2018)