Wednesday, 10 December 2014

[Theatre] Working on a Special Day

17 January 2014
Working on a Special Day”---Passing and glorious, just one day
Country: Mexico/USA
Company: Por Piedad Teatro/The Play Company
Director: Ana Graham, Antonio Vega
Cast: Ana Graham, Antonio Vega
Location I watched: Esplanade Theatre Studio

This was the last show I watched during the Fringe Festival this year. This play was originally produced by a Mexican theatre company, Por Piedad. They performed it in U.S. in collaboration with The Play Company. For New York in U.S., “Working on a Special Day ” was performed in Spanish, but here in Singapore, they performed an English version. The original is an Italian film, “Una Giornata Particolare (A Special Day)” directed by Ettore Scola and starring Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni. In 1938, in Italy, on “a special day” celebrating the meeting between Hitler and Mussolini, a housewife exhausted with daily life meets a mysterious man. The story is about their one-day intimate encounter. Unlike the film, this play was performed with only 2 actors – an actress, Ana Graham playing the housewife, Antonietta and an actor, Antonio Vega playing the mysterious man, Gabriele.

Actually, watching an English play is tough for me. It is even tougher when their spoken English comes with a Spanish accent. According to the two actors, English was used because they did not want the audience to read the subtitles: during reading, they would not be able to watch the stage itself. For me, the subtitles would be appreciated. Anyway, the play was performed in English, and they had some Italian words inserted as an interjection to create a little Italian atmosphere (according to the actors in the post performance Q&A session).

Watching the performance with me that day was a group of school girls led by their teacher. The actors were happy to see a different younger audience, but the girls, like Chipmunks, were talkative and noisy before the play started. Even when it started, with the opening scene of the actors in their underwear, the Chipmunks were astir. Luckily, someone shushed them, and the Chipmunks settled down quietly soon.

Yes, right after the play began, the two actors changed to their costumes on stage. Before that, they were at the entrance of the theatre to welcome the audience. After the audience took their seats, the actors changed to costumes in front of us. Then on three blank black walls forming the stage space, they started drawing with white chalk: windows and a portrait of Mussolini etc. And the play began with this line “Today is a special day for us.”

Antonietta, the housewife, her busy day begins. In this play, stage props like a table, chair, coffee cups and laundry are physically there. Other things needed during the play are drawn additionally on the walls by the actors before they are used, like the windows or portrait. Since there are only two actors, other characters like Antonietta’s children do not appear and are played only by the voices of the two actors. Behind the black wall forming the stage space, they act and react as if the other character is there. And, the two actors voice out sound effects, like the sound of a door bell, telephone ringing or a parrot’s squawking. The parrot is an important character, which does not physically exist on stage. There is a scene when the parrot escapes from her cage and flies away. This scene is expressed only by the actors’ performance, and the audience follows this invisible bird flying on stage together with the actors.

In the stage space, there are two open entrances. When the actors are walking in the space behind the rear black wall, the audience can see them through the entrances. Some scenes are set in Antonietta’s flat and some in Gabriele’s flat. For example, when the audience sees Antonietta running up and down in the space behind the wall, we can guess that she is hurrying down stairs to go to Gabriele’s flat. And the scene switches from Antonietta’s to Gabriele’s flat.

According to the two actors/directors, this interactive stage space was inspired from child’s play. For example, when off-stage Antionetta (but the audience can see her behind the black wall) is mimicking the sound of a telephone ringing, Gabriele in his room starts to draw a picture of a telephone on the wall and pretends to pick it up. It was fun and funny to watch, since this acting style stimulates the audience’s imagination. It was the pure pleasure of watching performing arts to us. At the same time, it allowed the audience to bring out something universal in the classical setting of 1938 Rome under the political power of fascism. I do not think that the same actors who welcome the audience at the start of the play wanted to build the illusion of realty on stage. The direction revealed that this was not something beyond a play. While it is just a play, or probably since it is just a play, there is a certain moment when I can feel that the emotion is a truth.

I do not think that this play indented to warn against fascism’s terror or to appeal that we should not repeat such terrible history again. Maybe there was an intention of melodrama, between a man and a woman who may actually be enemies, a heartbreaking love for only one day out of their daily life. What I felt instead is hatred against machismo, one of the ideologies supporting fascism. Actually hatred will be too strong since both characters never spouted such impassioned emotion. Objection will be more appropriate.

Antionetta, the housewife was ignored by her domineering husband, and everyday chased by housework and looking after her children. She supports the National Fascist Party, just like other citizens. Gabriele, the mysterious man was fired from a radio station and about to be banished to Sardinia because he was a homosexual. They had nothing in common with each other, politically or sexually. On this “special day”, however, they met by chance and shared their feelings and thoughts. But still it does not mean that they could not understand each other. Probably Antonietta could not understand Gabriele’s situation clearly till the end. Probably Gabriele did not expect her to understand him completely. But when Antonietta meets a sensitive and charming man and strongly moved by him, she realizes how tired she has been of her life till now. While Gabriele is in despair about the world and his future to the point of thinking of suicide, he then finds grace and goodness in a housewife among his neighbors. They grew something warm in their hearts, clashed and finally are united physically.

It is not something aggressive like sexual liberation, nor will it bring any changes in their lives after this. It is a small happening. But on that day, Antonietta could forget her ordinary life and get back to old her, full of life. Gabriele could forget his death and feel the joy of living. It was a passing happening under the world dominated by machismo. That is why the day was “a Special Day”.

And then, the day is over. Gabriele sets off to Sardinia. He probably will not come back again. Antonietta looks at him through her house’s window. The day like today will not come back again. Antonietta erases the opened window drawn by chalk. She re-draws it as a closed window. (10 February 2014)

Click here to read the Japanese review

『演劇』Working on a Special Day(特別な一日)

Working on a Special Day(特別な一日)」———束の間の、そして輝かしい、ただの一日
カンパニー:Por Piedad Teatro/The Play Company
演出:Ana Graham, Antonio Vega
出演:Ana Graham, Antonio Vega
見た場所:Esplanade Theatre Studio

 今年のFringe Festivalで私が見た、最後の作品。元はメキシコのシアター・カンパニーであるPor Piedad Teatroの作品だが、The Play Companyと協同してアメリカ上演を行ったという。アメリカはニューヨークで上演した際にはスペイン語だったそうだが、ここシンガポールでは英語での上演だった。原作はエットーレ・スコラ監督、マルチェロ・マストロヤンニ、ソフィア・ローレン主演の「特別な一日」というイタリア映画である。1938年のイタリア、ヒトラーのムッソリーニ訪問を祝う「特別な一日」に、生活に疲れた主婦が謎めいた男に出会う。物語は、その一日限りの二人の交情を描いている。映画とは異なり、この作品は、主婦アントニエッタ役の女優、Ana Grahamと謎の男ガブリエレ役の男優、Antonio Vegaによる二人芝居である。






 出演俳優であり演出も兼ねているAna GrahamAntonio Vegaによると、この相互作用的な、次々と書き足されて行く舞台空間は、子供の遊びから発想されたものらしい。例えば、舞台の表にいないアントニエッタ(姿は黒い壁の向こうに見えている)が電話のベルの効果音を演じると、一人部屋にいるガブリエレが壁に電話の絵を描いてから、受話器を取るふりをして電話に出る。見る方の想像力に頼る、こうしたシーンが楽しく、ユーモラスでもある。それは、演劇を見る純粋な楽しみを観客に与えるとともに、1938年のファシズム政権下のローマという古風な設定に、ある種の普遍性をもたらしているとも言える。俳優が観客を出迎えてくれるくらいなのだから、彼らは舞台上に「現実」のイリュージョンを打ち立てようとしているわけではない。その演出は、この芝居があくまでも芝居に過ぎないことを明らかにしている。しかしそれが単なる芝居であっても、あるいは恐らく、それが単なる芝居であるからこそ、そこに表れる感情が一つの真実だと、感じられる瞬間がある。




